Human Money

 deutschland  frankreich  Albanien  Spanien

The term was minted in 2008 by the author of the identically named book. The author Walter Panhuber published this book in 2011 with the subtitle ‘Human beings are worth to be worth‘.

The system describes a monetary system that only allows central banks owned by the state. The creation of new money is also only the state allowed. The system is a reform of the monetary system at the turn of the millennium.

The Humane monetary system enabled to open the upvaluation and devaluation of different national economies, even when using the same currency. This is made possible due to the so called ‘human value‘. In this system, it is not the prices that are fluctuating but the human value.

The work of the central bank thus exists in the main therein the price fluctuations shifting on the human value.

The human value is calculated: gross domestic product (GDP)/per person*base period

The quantity of money is kept at a necessary level for a given time through the ‘base period‘.

The total quantity of money of each national economy is calculated: human value * population figure.

Monthly balances any central bank, the existing quantity of money from that of the previous month. Depending on the change of the economic power (GDP) or the number of inhabitants, money is thereby destroyed or created.

Each central bank has a defined quantity of money as a safety buffer. Other safeties, such as gold, foreign exchange, etc., do not exist in the human system.


Falls the amount of money supply of the buffer falls below a certain level, the base period is increased, so that the level of resources is reached again. Exceeds the monetary amount of the buffer the level cap, the base period is shortened.
Therefore, new money is defeat or old money is created.

In The Human monetary system works several automatism.One of these with the   linking of the base period to the inheritance tax. The longer the base period, the higher the inheritance tax.

Another automatism regulated the prices. In the Human monetary system, a defined shopping basket  is kept equally expensive always the medium term. With help of the prime rate, the state interest rate and the basic purchasing power, inflation or deflation no longer exists.

The so called ‘basic purchasing power‘ represents a guaranteed minimum protection.The height is not determined by social aspects but instead by macroeconomic necessities. This way, the purchasing power of the weaker classes of society is changed. She sways depending on the development of the median, humane value and prices.

minimum wage  also represents a mandatory component of the Human monetary system. It is calculated: basic purchasing power * 1.8

The minimum wage is also divided by the monthly norm working time. This ensures that a minimum wage per hour is no longer undermined.

All in all, these key points of the system are defined with that. The Human Money also requires accompanying reforms of the social, economic and tax systems.