Corona – Correction of the measures

We have the 9.11.2020. We live in a lockdown with curfew. Many have now realized how nonsensical the measures taken by governments are. A corona correction is needed.

What should be done now

All people who are afraid of getting infected and the risk group should be affected by measures.
!!!!! Not the healthy population !!!!!!!
That would be now the correct corona correction.

The following immediate measures would be necessary:

  • 2 or 3 times a week selected stores should be open for 3 hours only for the affected group. The police should be on site.
  • Medical staff should be tested for antibodies. Only already immune staff should take care of the Covid patients. They do not need to wear protective clothing against the virus. Each of them should also receive a monthly bonus of 1000 € until the epidemic is over.
  • All other measures should be stopped immediately.

Further measures:

  • The Pandemic Law was to be revoked and the Epidemic Law of 1950 (Austria) was to be reformed after proper parliamentary discussion.
  • The public prosecutor’s offices were to take action. There were massive violations of the law during the failed policy.
  • A parliamentary committee of inquiry should also investigate.
  • Obviously an amendment to the media law is also necessary. In the event of such a failure of this important area of democracy, this is imperative.

Of course, none of this will happen, because some powers obviously have other plans.

But one may (still) express wishes.

PS: One more wish
The Swiss historian Daniele Ganser was to set up a commission to investigate the machinations of the CV and ÖCV (Austria) student fraternity under his leadership. Both in the time of the 1st Austrian Republic, as well as in the second. Austrian students from the last semester of their studies should support the commission as working groups. Students who are members of the above mentioned fraternities are excluded.
Until the final report on the 2nd Republic of this commission, all members of this fraternity should be suspended or transferred if they hold a higher position in the security apparatus or the justice system of the Republic.